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Cheat Sheet Finder

This page provides links to and short descriptions of content that provides succinct guidance on many different topics, which fall under domains such as Agile software development, and working in teams. The content types that are listed here include:

Note: The term “cheat sheet” will be used as a general category for the remainder of the refences on this page.

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Cheat Sheet Category

Cheat Sheets

Flow/Getting Stuff Done

David Allen

A diagram that shows the sequence of steps in David Allen's Getting Things Done (GTD) system

GTD Workflow Processing and Organizing

Kiryl Baranoshnik

A cheat sheet that provides strategies for unplanned work, subdivided into two categories: 1. On-the-spot actions; 2. Continuous improvement actions

Unplanned Work Cheat Sheet

Francesco Cirillo

A cheat sheet that describes the goals, tools, parameters, and techniques that are part of the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique Cheat Sheet

Ashley Johnson, Mike Rieser, Joshua Kerievsky

A cheat sheet that covers Lean concepts, as well as metrics and anti-patterns related to staying a state of flow

Accelerating Flow Cheat Sheet

Psychological Safety

Corinna Baldauf

A poster that describes how psychological safety is an enabling factor for high-performing teams

What is Psychological Safety?

Corinna Baldauf

A poster that provides a leader’s toolkit for what needs to be in place for psychological safety to exist, based on Amy Edmundson’s book

How to Build Pyschological Safety


A fact sheet that describes what psychological safety is, how it’s manifested, and what we can do to model and reinforce it

Psychological Safety Fact Sheet

Joshua Kerievsky, Heidi Helfand, Ashley Johnson

A cheat sheet containing a collection of definitions and techniques to help ensure psychological safety is understood and enabled

High Performance via Psychological Safety

Kanban, eXtreme Programming (XP), Scrum

Christophe Achouiantz

A graph with axes for each of the following Kanban properties: visualize work, limit WIP, manage flow, explicit policies, feedback loops, continuously improve

Depth of Kanban Graph

Michael James

A checklist of important things for ScrumMasters to keep in mind, focusing on: How is my Product Owner doing?; How is my team doing?; How are our engineering practices doing? How is the organization doing?

ScrumMaster Checklist

Henrik Kniberg

A checklist to evaluate existing practices, divided into these sections: Recommended but not always necessary; Core Scrum; Scaling; Positive indicators

Scrum Checklist

James Shore

A self-assessment quiz that focuses on five aspects of agile development, from an XP perspective: Thinking; Collaborating; Releasing; Planning; Developing

Assess Your Agility

Software Development

Corinna Baldauf

A poster summarizing the simplicity rules, which are part of Simplicity -- one of XP's core values.

Simplicty Rules

Urs Enzler

A cheat sheet that delves into software architecture considerations, anti-patterns, code smells, and tips and tricks, to name a few

Clean, Simple, Flexible, Evolvable & Agile Architecture Cheat Sheet v 1.5

Industrial Logic

A cheat sheet containing a short collection of definitions and techniques for teams that want to try mob programming for the first time or enhance their existing mob programming practice

Mob Programming Cheat Sheet

Brian Vermeer, Trisha Gee

A cheat sheet that covers eight things to check for from a security point of view when writing or reviewing code

8 Security Code Review Best Practices Cheat Sheet

Category 4

Category 5

Category 6

Category 7